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About Me

The story of how I became Coach Diddi

My name is Maimuna Ummi Abdullahi, also known as Coach Diddi. I am a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a coach, counselor , CMD certified trainer and a mental health first aider.

I will be writing on “My Mind and Me” focusing on mental health, personal growth and development, and related issues on how they affect women in business, work and lifestyle in general. This will range from practical tips for daily wellness routines to in-dept discussions on navigating mental health challenges. Like seriously, who better to talk about women mental health than a woman with mental issues and “issueses”. You know say when pesin case pass issues, it becomes”issueses”.

Is this you sometimes?( stressed woman above).

This is me more times than I can admit in public…hahaha ( not kidding).

But you know what helps me pull myself together? This quote:

“ Life is not about what happens to you. It is about what you choose do with your experience”.

I am not an expert on life, Kulu , I am however, an expert on my life. I struggle in every area of my life. And in this struggle of mine, I learn lessons on how to be better everyday.

Everyday is a second chance to do better and be better .

wanna join me?

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