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Radical acceptance of help


I now have a radical level of acceptance wallahi.

No shaking!

I am comfortable with who I am, where I have been and where I am, right now. 

Chew that! ( heard that from my 15 year old).

The meaning I choose to give to being ""Broken or damaged" is not limiting or disempowering. I hear people say;

 " When you go through shit, you become a shitty person".

I disagree, been through shit doesn't necessarily make you shitty.

I have been through a truck load of shit and I'm not shitty.

Well, at least most of the time. (Hahaha...).

Overtime, I have seen many women struggle to accept who they are, where they had been and where they are right now and it has led them to pain, suffering, emotional distress, chronic stress, mental health illnesses like anxiety and depression and even substance addiction.

Quick reminder sis 

you are not what has happened to you.

You are what you choose to do with your experience.


The million dollar question is; " What are you doing with what has happened to you, aunty?

How is it showing up in your life; daily routine, relationships, work, career or business, physical and mental health?

Are you pushing it away, pretending it is not happening?

Are you playing the blame-game, blaming everyone and everything for where you are in your life except yourself.

Are you in love with the "victim" cloak you are wearing and relishing the pitiful attention showered on you?

Is that all you are?

What has happened to you?

Start writing here...

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