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Kulu, I learned the hard way-
"You cannot force someone to see what they’re not ready for". Clarity is a personal journey. Nobody can hand it over to you on a platter.
But what I can do is inspire you, by showing you the beauty, peace, and strength that clarity brings. Trying to help someone find clarity when they are comfortable in their fog is like guiding a person through a dense forest when they’ve already set up camp there. For them, that forest might feel like home. It’s familiar, even if it’s not where they’re meant to be.
But let me tell you the truth: beyond those trees lies an open path—a path full of sunlight, freedom, and endless possibilities. That journey forward is waiting for you.

But here’s the thing: no one can walk it for you. It’s your choice. You must decide to leave the comfort of the fog behind and take that bold step towards clarity, growth, and freedom.
As a mental health coach, I can hold the lantern, shine the light on your path, and cheer you on. But the journey is yours to take. True change begins the moment you realize that staying in the fog only keeps you stuck. Stepping into the light might feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s the only way to grow, heal, and step into your possibilities.
Am I communicating? If it’s going to happen, it’s up to YOU. You can either continue to play small, or you can wear your big-girl pants and take a chance on yourself